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Emma is a very lairy person, always causing scenes, taking liberties.

by unknownuseranon November 26, 2019


The worst bitch that can ever come into your life. She’ll turn every situation about herself and will always make you feel lesser. She’s such a backstabbing bitch and will ruin your life slowly. She will make you feel controlled and she will manipulate you in every way possible. She always likes the same boys as you and will make you feel like you are never enough or perfect. She acts like everyone loves her but more than anyone can count hates her. She’s self absorbed and can never get you head out of her own fucking head. She is the worst type of person who can ever come into your life and will ruin it in every way possible and you won’t even see it coming.

Omg i have an Emma in my life! What’s an Emma? An Emma is a backstabbing shit talking bitch you never want to let come in your life.

by urlocalwhore😉 July 8, 2023


Emma’s are known to be small but have big hearts full of love and stubbornness. She is very feisty and will bite back after holding her tongue for so long. She knows everybody and loves most of the people knows. The Emma I have in my life is a drama kid and loves the stage as well as me in a way she doesn’t like others 😊 and I feel the same way. I hope to be with her as well as hold and protect her because she is as fragile as she is tough both physically and mentally but more so on the physically part. I love my Emma and I hope you love yours to and if you are an Emma looking at your own name (yes I’m looking at you Emma) go look up your friends name and if you don’t have any write stuff about people you hate that’ll be a turn of events. Alright time for me to head out until next time Emma’s of the world😉

Girl: Bullies other girl
Emma: Hey that’s my friend if you want to hurt anyone then hurt me instead id rather take the pain than my friends

Bully: fine by me

Friend: wow I have suck a great friend

by Jeremy_the_great_canadian_@$&# June 13, 2019


Emma is a person who just loves everything and everyone . But mostly is obsessed with babies and animals. She loves anime and loves volleyball or basketball. She is MoSt likely to have long dark hair and is one of the shortest in class

Emma is so amazing
She would be so hot in hiGH school

by Jsksjdsbdjsh September 15, 2019


Emma hot af good gf

Emma hot

by bfvfjbiefujkbvhreiujvberjkfbve November 29, 2018


Emma is a eye-rollin woman who will not take any crap from anyone.Say one bad word to her a she will fuckin punch you in the god dam face. But she is the most amazing woman I have ever met. They’re usually stronger in the legs but that doesn’t mean they’re not strong in the arms. They are the toughest people you can ever met. They usually have dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes. If a Emma walks into your life well than you are the most luckiest person but stay on they’re good side or else.

Me: how are you
Emma:good ,now help me!

by Whatever😎 March 6, 2022


She is Aubries BFF and will never let her go!!!! So stay with her she is beautiful and amazing 🤩. Byeeeee

Omg Emma I’d bffs with aubrie

by May 14, 2021