Dude why are you limping
I got whipped in the flip flop last night
Making the 🤙🏾 🤙🏾 hand sign means you’re down, you agree, or you are chill. Can be used in many different scenarios even bad ones. If the situation is not as chill you just use one 🤙🏾. If the situation is more chill then you use both and wave twist back and forth faster.
I thought Johnny wasn’t chill until he did the flip hand sign 🤙🏾 he seems pretty cool now.
Two people flip a coin, winner gets to punch the loser in the groin (:
I heard Lassi punches pretty hard, wanna play coin flip määdnes with him?
When an individual drops acid and then drops md he has candy flipped, however if an individual then took more lsd they would be at the flap end of the word
Ah the candy flip flap I remember my first time it changed my life
Losing your shit about something. Making a huge fuss.
“I swear to go if I don’t get an A this semester I’m gonna fucking flip my dip!”
Milk Flip is a sexual position invented by Dr. Steve Brule (as seen in check it out videos available on youtube). Milk Flip is performed by pulling out of the vagina prejaculation (compound combining pre and ejaculation) then performing a backflip as you ejaculate (most easily performed on a trampoline). This is the fun part, After you've done a backflip while ejaculating you must perform a standing sex position while only holding on to her breasts (this might be painful for her give her a break if she complains). Okay once you have it in while your having her sit on your thighs and your holding her breasts you must spin around as fast as possible. The G-Force will grow hopefully untill she's fully unconscious. At this point you want to dress her in extremely large clothes and stuff them with pillows so she looks appears dangerously poofy (the added weight will help with the speed of the drop). Now your home free, only one step left but its easy to mess up here. You must bring her to the heighest height of the heighest mountain or just something high. You need to get inside her clothes along with the pillows, you need to make sure you've built a big enough ramp at the bottom of the hill and that you a started the rolling motion with your leap into the clothes of your unconscious broad. while you're rolling down the hill scream "Is that right?" and nod obnoxiously. When your both dead you need to come back to life and fly to the moon and eat the power onyx.
"Man last night was crazy I Mega Milky Flipped that bitch."
Bro #1:"Bro you high?"
Bro #2:"Bro only as high as my last Milk Flip"
Bro #4:"Is that right?"
2👍 19👎
When you ask someone to do a flip
Random Dude: Ayo do a flip
His cousin: Aight
7👍 3👎