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low key an ounce

He/she/the’re actually sexy af

Those two guys over there are low key an ounce

by Danbhap February 12, 2018

Caine lowe

The origin of the name caine lowe comes from modern-day Kentucky. It is commonly used to describe an inbred child with the mother and son, usually names Larry. But once in a while Larry and grandpa caine both team up Caine and show him his "Family tree" right in the ass. Caines usually weigh around 200-300 pounds and have no skills whatsoever. Caines typically are albino and have no eyebrows.

Caine Lowe what are you doing to Larry!

by BigDaddy1029384756 March 5, 2018

Caine Lowe


DA Fuq you be Caine Lowe !!!!


Vegas Lowe

big man that likes to go fishing, and like trail biking

Vegas Lowe is a fat ass

by flamnigo May 13, 2022

two oh low

another was to say the year 2010 2 oh l o

this aint 20 oh 9 its two oh low

by ballin is a habit January 5, 2010

low-altitude cruise mammal

strapping an explosive device to a moderately sized mammal (preferably a llama) and dropping it out of an aircraft no higher than 30000ft

dont mess with me or ill launch my low-altitude cruise mammal at you

i have a low-altitude cruise mammal on my plane

i wish i had a low-altitude cruise mammal

by otteb_hershelski April 20, 2011

low energy

Impotent; limp-dicked; unable to get it up.

John is pretty low energy these days.

by orangensaft March 25, 2016