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When two bros touch their dicks while hugging. Bro-fencing represents a new level of bro-hood, far more intimate than a brofist.

I saw them bro-fencing after the party last night, they might be better bros than we imagined.

by supernextgen December 8, 2015


The act of watching a previously recorded movie, TV show or sporting event with your friends when you each remain in your own homes and synchronize your DVDs to play simultaneously.

Simon: Are you going over to Nick's place to watch last night's game with him?
John: Nah, we both recorded it, I'm gonna stay home and we're gonna bro-watch it.

by Ike Stockton July 5, 2015

the shaik-bros

like the mario-bros they also run around willy-nilly picking up gold coins that are 'just lying around', stomping on the local vegetation and blowing bubbles when they land in (deep) water.

I just can't get Schabir past the Scorpions-boss!
You need to use the silence power-up on the secretary first!
Damn! How am I gonna get my hands on all those zuma-dollars?

by alan October 21, 2004

borscht bro

the only dude that will make the ultimate sacrifice of eating cold beet soup with you, usually responds with the borscht barf

Tony: My grandmother made this. Will you honor her by eating this with me, and we can be borscht bro's forever?

Bob: I don't know I might barf.

by Fijjuggsgjijhhyggggg-about it June 20, 2018

bro tuck

The manner of tucking a men's dress or casual shirt such that the front tails are tucked in but the back tails are not. Said purpose for doing so is to keep the front tails from getting chewed up by one's belt buckle, while still affecting a casual air. Most prevalent among hipsters, college undergraduates, and the clueless.

Perhaps the reason Detective Charles "Charlie" Crews Jr. (Damian Lewis), in the TV series Life, sometimes sports the bro tuck is to conceal the service weapon he keeps pushed in the back of his jeans.

by gmku July 1, 2014

Bro Brain

An extremely communicable disease found in hat stores catering only to the finest bro headwear and other bro paraphernalia. More severe cases include the addition of bright and oversized headphones to secure the diseased hat and transmit the illness to others. The physical manifestations of this disease lead to the patient's head tilting back and chin pointing in the air, like they just don't care.

Symptoms of this disease include but are not limited to:
-a sudden repulsion of women and female themed items
-unruly and overgrown hair on or around the neck
-attempts to "bro out" with other males (regardless of species)
-secludes self in a place referred to as a "man cave"
-loud proclamations of friendliness to women (since it conflicts with the first symptom, it creates confusion for the friends and family of the affected)

To avoid this disfiguring disease, keep an eye out for hat stores with overt bro symbols and customs (such as hats up to the ceiling and bright stickers on the bill of the hat). Also, never trade hats with someone exhibiting these symptoms due to the highly contagious nature of Bro Brain.

Cures for this affliction are being researched, however at this time no cure or vaccine is available.

"Oh dear, that poor young man seems to have caught bro brain."
"Well darn! My date started out friendly, but then I noticed the hair growths around his neck, bro customs, the frathole shirt, and knew he had Bro Brain."

by hydra-phobia July 29, 2015

stro bro

A fan of the Houston Astros baseball team, especially a really really hard core fan

Jim is a true stro bro - he never misses a game.

Even though Bob is 1000% straight, he's such a stro bro that he has a crush on King Tuck.

by Doctor SpoogeDtor Spooge December 15, 2022