it T H R O B IN
wow i love big papas pocket rocket
It's like sky rocketed but going in the opposite direction.
I gave so few fucks before this project. The amount of fucks I give now has hell rocketed.
Where she pulls out your foreskin as far as it goes, then blows her nose farmer style into it to lube it for a few tugs
She gave me a Rollback Rocket last night because.....well.....why not.
1. Shoot a guided middle and ride on top of it
2. Shove a couple of fire works up your arse
Synonyms, Rocket riding, Rocket ride
1. My girlfriend rocket rided me to a victory royale yesterday.
2. Have you tried rocket riding
Any inferior or crap car or motor cycle that has been tricked up to look good. Janky is for the Crapness and inferiority of the vehicle and rice rocket refers to how it is tricked up to look flash and (japanesey)
Hugh: Yo Ted, Check out Mcfarlane's car it looks pretty ruthless.
Teddy: Na man that thing is just a Janky Rice Rocket i wouldnt touch it with a 50 foot pole.
When you slam back your Capri-sun so hard you have to "woogity-woogity" your best friend.
Otto: Bro, this Fruit punch was a Rocket pouch.
Squid: *Gives Otto a 'woogity-woogity'*