Bathhouse Kill Squad was an awesome punk band from Milwaukee Wisconsin. BKS contains of Frankie Scinto on vocals, Betsy Samuelson on bass, Chase Harrington on guitar, and Ethan Graves on drums. R.I.P
Wanna listen to some Bathhouse Kill Squad?
Literally the coolest group of friends !!! If you’re in the scouter squad you’re automatically better then everyone else of course. There is no better friends then the scouter squad you are lucky if you are in the scouter squad.They also have the best Minecraft players and the smartest ppl like ever yk??
“Mariana, Adalid and Marco are in the scouter squad! They’re so cool bro I wish I were them”
A toilet big enough to fit 4 people enough to share a shitter for once.
Person 2 I gotta shit. Wanna join?
Person 1 Sure absolutely!
Person 3 Damn my stomach is turning too ill join the Toilet Squad
Person 4 done took a laxative
A group of kids that are straight fucking savages if u wanna fuck Michaela go to justice but other wise it is cool includes Letrell, MJ,Will,Kenny,Darius,Vinnie, Justice,Miguel,Izaiah,Kqwannel, Andrew,Jerimiah,Vasean if u want smoke with one person in the squad u want it with all of us.
Actual squad is a group of bad ass kids that own everything in reid and they are mad cool to chill wit but if u looking for sum gay sex hit up my boi Connor.
The coolest group that has ever existed. They go to everything together and they always have a good time. They have a group chat that gets around 500 text messages a day
Person1. That squad is so cool
Person2. That’s drip squad
when you "play" a sport but never get playing playing time. Usually consist of friends who hate there coaches.
Jacob: "Coach will never give me playing time"
Mike: " Lets make the sideline squad"