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text message hand job

A text message hand job is when you are getting the "run around" from friends or family thru text messages. When you call no one answers or the reception is said to be very bad or they are in a dead zone.

Tom: hey billy,I tried texting todd and sue to see what they are doing tonite, but they text back they aren't sure, todds gonna check with sue, and then sue told me she's gotta check with todd. typical saturday night text message hand job !
billy: fuck them man! lets get some bank and hit the strip club, nothing but real handjobs going on there !
Tom: Hells Yeah ! !

by Jack de wack February 3, 2009

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five second rule of texting

The rule stating a DOUBLE TEXT is ok AS LONG AS the second text message is sent within 5 seconds of the first.

I double texted Shelly, but it was ok cuz I used the Five Second Rule of Texting.

by Piledriver10000 November 26, 2015

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Text-To-Speech Reddit Youtuber

A person who makes money from screenshotting Reddit posts and using Text-To-Speech to read those posts

Have you seen that new Text-To-Speech Reddit Youtuber?
Yeah, i hate Text-To-Speech Reddit Youtubers.

by WalterTarAKARADALFan May 31, 2021

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Texting your life away

A phrase used to point out that a friend is constantly texting rather than giving their full attention to the current social situation. It is like they are there but not there.

*While watching the hockey game*
Ted: Damn, Sergio! You have been texting the entire period and have missed every goal. You are texting your life away!
Sergio: *silence as he is busy texting and didn't even hear the comment*

by Alibaster Snair January 18, 2011

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Drunk text tourettes syndrome

When you have zero control over the text messages that you are sending. And you continue to text with no response stating all kinds of ridiculous things to the person. Do to your inebriated state. And typically in the morning you have zero recollection of saying the things you did.

"Hi! I'm an astronaut". " You tool you are not responding to me" " You want to have intercourse.??" Still no response"??? "I hate you". "I love you". Next morning... Hi!! I appologize I have drunk text tourettes syndrome and I have zero control over what i say or do.

by oh!hi!girl January 18, 2012

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Dude, your text is drunk.

A cellphone text that's been sent by someone you think is drunk because it's incomprehensible, but you're not sure and you don't want to offend them by asking if THEY'RE drunk.

Person A: "Yeah were somewhere gone off now. where u at?"

Person B: "Dude, your text is drunk. Call me."

by Gin Blossom June 19, 2010


"A World of Toxicity, Ice, Fire, Tradelands, Politics, War and Strategy"

Grand Srategy Discord Text Roleplay Game

A discord based fantasy political grand strategy roleplay done in text and images

In this game you get to:

Chose your nation! (or establish/found one as a tribe)
~~~Game Regularly Receives Updates~~~
(Next Update is a world map expansion and re-terraforming)
-Found your nations ruling dynasty or be democratic (meh)
- Make your character (the ruler)
-Scheme and establish your power.
- Chose your players skills
!!You can even be a rebel!!
-Deal with Internal and foreign Politics
-Deal with the economy and resources.
-Deal with plagues, epidemics, inflations, natural disasters and much more.
-You create troops, you craft siege equipment, you use these to expand or explore, and much more.
-You can do quests.
-Each nation have their own "Meta" Creature which is basically a fantasy creature with crazy power and their power is randomised in score.
-Each nation also starts with 1000 Special Troops that is unique to your nation and hard to acquire as it cost alot.

Founder and Mods put alot of effort into the game.

Its playerbase is low but fun. Theres much strategy in it and it has 3 & , cool game masters aka moderators.
Owner/Founder/Head Game Master: Daenaryon Targryen
Lead Game Moderator: Icebound,

Moderator: stavishii and

Game Manager: Ciro.

Nearly everything is decided by dices

You should join to find out more!!!!!!


Add mastertargaryen on discord for invite

by IsaccMyBruddaa October 10, 2023