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When somebody gets killed by getting hit in the face with a barrel.

I was playing Half-Life: Deathmatch and I totally barrel-faced some noob.

by Zombiebot King September 23, 2009

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ceptis face

A term used to describe a seemingly attractive male with a great body paired with a homely face.

"He's kind of a ceptis face."

"What's a ceptis face?"

"You know, everything about him is hot 'cept his face."

by AnnaOj May 3, 2009

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Sahand Face

The Face You Have When You Imagine A Bright Future Ahead Of You But Its Hard To Achieve It And You Suck At It.

I made a sahand face when I found my friend's dead body.

by Sahand Face Leader August 7, 2020

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Yo face

A stupid damn comeback that's fun to use.

Nate: Why are you so ugly?
Olivia: YO FACE!

by Anonymous bitch. April 28, 2016

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mack face

a face someone makes when he/she is sexually interested in the person that he/she is talking to or checking out.

I see how you're looking at her, you even got your mack face on.

by Buffa bear May 7, 2010

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raper face

someone who looks a rapist

hey look there goes sheen, he has the raper face dog

by ollie the abo hunter May 8, 2019

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To imbibe, mass quantities of alcohol leading to ones most awesomeness, and or most epic night ever, like beating a volvo, or elbow dropping a bush, pukeing in a fake tree in a bar in a foregn country

Person A: dude, did you see brandon?
Person B: no, why?
Person A:he was so webb-faced
That guy killed a secret service agent with his dick. He was so Webb-faced

by webbsaw April 28, 2011

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