A newly used term for psilocybin mushrooms, shrooms or anything hallucinogen or psychedelic.
A: hey psycho bitch!
B: what.
A: you know?
B: no
A: you got any drugs? Mushrooms?
B: what. No!
A: the other day you said you had psycho bitch!
B: I meant I had psycho bitch—fever!
A: what??
B: I didn’t know what I was saying, I wasn’t feeling well and I felt I was a bit crazy…
This person is holding the Nic and won’t pass that shit
“Hey man don’t be a Nic bitch”
1.A very cool person.
2. A positive answer to a statement when you can't find any other cool response to say.
1.Dude 1: Did you invite Paul to the party?
Dude 2: That snaz bitch? Hell yeah dude!
2. Dude 1: I just got engaged to Becky dude.
Dude 2: Snaz Bitch!
it means you are really beatiful and the best person on earth
person 1: hello
person 2: you stupid ass bitch
person 1: thank you
Two girls names Olivia and Kaitlyn
Those stupid whore I hate them Kaitlyn wants to throw shade but can’t talk so she needs Olivia to misread the whole situation and write a non true paragraph ugh I hate those stupid ass bitches
literally me, cause i mess up everything yeee
oh no, i have done such a mess! i am a stupid ass bitch