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trick rollin bitch

A prostitute who set's up her john (a customer) by slipping a roofie in his drink, so he can be robbed, without knowing and wake up in the morning without the knowledge. Of what happened to him.

Yo ' Are You For Real ' you better be careful I heard that Sasha Trick Rolls fellas before they even get a taste. Oh yeah yuor right she is a trick rollin bitch

by Mat Bat March 29, 2018

Birken Bitches

Where you can find Natalie and π‘±π’†π’”π’”π’Šπ’„π’‚ on the weekends

Remember two girls one cup? Birken Bitches is this years version

by Nessica6969 July 16, 2019

aye say bitch

It mean say bitch wassam

aye say bitch waddam wit u dick

by ayenick November 9, 2021

idiot bitch asshole


Ricegum is a idiot bitch asshole

by Trosh Frosh LOsh August 26, 2018

Hottest bitch on discord

The hottest bitch on discord is ally AKA bakuhoe AKA bunny

Omfg bunny is so hot

Obviously she's the hottest bitch on discord

by Bunny'shoe October 8, 2020

Bitch, go to sleep

Is a way of telling someone to sleep, when they clearly need it to function.
Or says something dumb or stupid

Janely- β€œI look skinnier today.”
Miguel- β€œBitch, go to sleep.”

by truthuman December 12, 2020

Bitch Nugget

A person who likes to complain about little stuff, essentially turning an easily solvable issue into a big problem. Blowing things way out of proportion.

Karen orders a sandwich and requests two slices of tomato. Her sandwich only has one slice when she recieved her order. Karen demands to speak to the manager.
K: My order is wrong.
M: Understood ma'am, but what seems to be the issue and can I see the reciept?
K: I asked for two slices of tomato. I only got one. Either I get a new sandwich or I want my refund.

M: Ma'am we can add the other tomato to your order free of charge.
K: I wanted my order correct the first time, no I want a new sandwich and my refund.
M: Sorry ma'am but that hardly warrants a refund.
K: I'm emailing corporate and I'm writing you a horrible review for negligence. *K storms out*
M: What a Bitch Nugget.

by Dragonspirit32 September 24, 2024