A failiure, aomebpdy nobody loves, somebody who puts fries in their mcflurry, somebody who kisses femboys.
Somebody you can be sexy for. Sometimes not. Because that would be unrealustic.
"hey, Lenn, its three o'cock. I am feeling rather sexy for you."
- "heheyy, Cassie, that's amazing news. Unfortunately, I am not feeling sexy meself at this very moment."
"Hey, Greg, it's three no'cock. I am not feeling sexy for you."
- "hehey, Bitzy, such a shitty shame. I was just going to fuck your brains out."
the person who wrote the urban dictionary
people like you write the urban dictionary
My fckn BEST FRIEND. Nobody can hurt us untill we're thogeter.
Me: Whats up man wacha doin'?
You: im fine
Me: Whats the problem
You: nothin'
Me dont line to me mf
You: ok it was...
Me: Dont worry i'll beat his ass