Shit is used as an cuss word but also it can mean poop.
EWW you’re shit smells like meldo bro wtf
Your probably shitting as you read this
Guy 1. Shit
Kid1 don’t say that
What are you searching for? This is literally just a shit. Search something that is important get out.
So you choose to stay here and keep reading? I don't know what's wrong with you, you're wasting your time, Search SOMEETHING!!!
Really? So you're still reading this? Are you wasting your time on purpose? Go to a therapist and get some help, what are you still doing here?
Use your hands to wipe your shit
Another word for poo or used as a swear word
Man1:I took a shit in the toilet
Man1:Fuck you,Shithead
Man2:Fuck you too