What an introvert does over the summer, since they can never get enough school.
The introvert was happy and free at summer school, while anyone else would feel trapped sitting in a building all summer.
Person: Hey, how's summer school?
Person2: You mean suffer school?
middle school that mostly sucks. i dunno im in it casue im dumb.
"what school do you go to?" " I go to monte vista middle school"
Piece of shit horrible school that is only for alcoholics, druggies, thugs, bimbos and other degenerates with an IQ of 90 at the very most. Attending this place while not being one of the types above will result in a subpar experience at best, or a horrible experience that will make you wish you weren’t born. Even some of the teachers got bullied out of that school and someone died right next to it in June 2016. This hellhole caused me plenty of suffering which would have all been avoided if I had went to somewhere normal. If you are a parent near this area then don’t send your kid here unless you are a thug degenerate.
A: What school should we send our school our boy to? He finishes primary in 5 months. I was thinking of Bannerman High School as it’s nearby.
R: Nah no way, that school may seem okay from pictures but it’s absolutely horrible and full of lowlives. We don’t want him getting bullied or messing up his academic life.
A Primary School in Singapore that has casuarinians and its legendary DP Mrs Mohsan.
Casuarina Primary School is a good school.
A math and preforming arts school in Fulton County that get no funding and is infested with cockroaches. They have a mediocre football team and a excellent band
So the Spartans lost again?
No they have 1 to 4 this year.
The home of the cockroach is doing well this year.
North Springs High School, it’s fucking shit
Why does North Springs High School have so many gay and bi people? Is it something in the water? what the? I just realized.