When an alcoholic gets drunk- often when provoked.
I turned into a shit badger last night when my ex came to the bar with her new boyfriend.
when something is so dangerous or strong it will mess you up if you try
Jim - Quit looking at the Fireball that shit will fuck you up.
When a guy is taking so long to pee it seems as if they were shitting out of their dick.
"Goddamnit what's taking so long at that urinal?"
"Evidently he's taking a dick shit ."
A trem of derision. A male ejeculated a turd into a females uterus which fertilized a malformed egg. The resulting embryo emplanted and produced a Dick Shit.
Jim Jordan is a d Dick Shit.
Dick shit:
An Insult towards a person you hate and a combo with Dick and Shit.
Me: Have you seen that girl?
Friend: Who?
Me: Dick shit.
Friend: ohh.
The act of taking a shit through your dick
Doctor: Why are you here today, sir?
Guy: I went to piss but then ended up taking a Dick-shit
After anal sex, when you go pee and poo comes out your pecker first.