As your in town with your friends you go inside h&m and you see a boy who you give *the look* too
"did you see that fit boy from h&m?"
Olivia H has blue eyes and long blonde hair she is so sweet and funny and will do anything for her friend you need to find yourself and olivia and never lose her she may move away from you to somewhere but you need to throw that girl a bomb ass going away party
Girl 1: hey so i know you are leaving me but you are coming over to my house and im throwing a bomb ass going away party
Olivia H : omg thank you so much you are the best friend ever i love you
A recurring joke in a Dynasty Warriors YTP series made by SnanS GaiiaG. Basically every character with a monologue with the word "chaos" will say it slowed down while their head expands. Pang DeeD is the only one that wants p e a c e instead.
I fight only for those who value c h a o s . - Zhao YuuY
He is awesome and cool and the best person ever
Man Eli H is so cool
he is awesome and the best person ever
A "C i h u a h a g h g f e" is a short and annoying person in your friend group. Possibly the most annoying you will ever meet!! Its used as an insult.
You're a C i h u a h a g h g f e
An anti-greg redhead that everyone strongly dislikes.
This can also mean an unliked person, or a "bozo".
"Bro you're such an H. Lobel."
‘H/t’ is an abbreviation commonly used on Twitter.
My pronouns are he/they (h/t).