2 people who love each other a lot
Oh dammit i wish i can be Angle X Tracey
Omgoodness you guys are exactly like Angle X Tracey!!
Angle X Tracey, is a ship people love and admire.
Everyone wants the ship Angle X Tracey.
Ugh i wish i had an Angle X Tracey rn.
Oh my, you guys are just like Angle X Tracey!
X&Y Syndrome is a disturbing but temporary disease. X&Y Syndrome comes when a listener to an album dismisses the album for any reason, then re-listens to the album they dismissed, and loves it.
Matt: Yo, I'm not the biggest fan of X&Y by Coldplay, there's only a few good songs on it
Joe: Alright man
*Three Weeks Later*
Matt: Joe! I re-listened to X&Y and I love it! What was wrong with me when I dismissed it for the first time?
Joe: Damn dude, I don't know!
Matt: I'm gonna name this thing... X&Y Syndrome.
the gay homos who are INLOVE with eachother and love eachother so much
Oh look my favorite homos and ship wyatt x coby!
a mid anime which hasn’t got a new season in 8 years and counting. whoever watches it turns into a mid human being instantly and should respectfully die.
have you heard James watches mid x midd? he is such a mid human being.