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chicken bump

A tradition in rural America, and the unisex term for a fish bump. (which refers specifically to vagina-equipped humans)

It's like a chest bump but at crotch level. It is not typically a sexually charged or intimate event.
Its romantic counterpart is referred to as a chicken kiss.

After throwing down a baller alley-oop, I chicken bumped my youth pastor. He almost got arrested but I told the cops that it wasn't a weird sex thing.

by FreddyFwaygaux August 2, 2018

Chicken Thanksgiving

Any event that is exceptionally incongruous or illogical according to the conventional reality in which it happens.
This is based on the idea of chicken during thanksgiving being something associatively, factually incorrect.

Yo man this grey orb phased through my closet and thanked me for buying a car I don't even have. What the hell? I think I just had a chicken thanksgiving.

by Darksack November 21, 2019

chicken wing

it's a forkin chicken wing 🍗

"chicken wing chicken wing hot dog and bologna chicken and macaroni chillin with my homies😎

by noitssmellslike10cansofbouncet June 21, 2020

Chirp the Chicken

to rub one out

"Close your door Harrison I don't want to hear you chirp the chicken"

by deewest March 31, 2015

Chicken Nuget

Chicken nugets are the bast thing in the world. If you have a chicken nuget in your life you will be happy. Chicken nugets are the bomb so... GET ONE RIGHT NOW. burn raw soggy crispy too they are all amazing

RCN-Look its a Chicken nuget
BCN-Ohh I want a soggy one!

by asdfghjkl;pogfdeswerty February 10, 2020

Chicken Nuget

Chicken nugets are the BOMB. If you have one in your life you are better than everyone else! Burnt Raw Soggy Crispy...All Are good and so r u


by asdfghjkl;pogfdeswerty February 7, 2020

tounge chicken

This is an act when two people sick their tounges out and start walking towards each other until eventuality their tounges touch or somebody "chickens" or quits.

Hey babe, do you wanna play a game of tounge chicken,?

by CorieDaniel November 17, 2015