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Kill Bill Menstruant

A woman whose menstrual flow has the torrential force of the blood that blasts from the neck and limb wounds of sword victims in the film *Kill Bill*.

I didn't know she was a Kill Bill menstruant, so I just yanked out her tampon with my teeth and the next thing I knew I was being resuscitated with CPR because her clotty-ass blood had completely inundated the entire capacity of my lungs.

by Priest of Assplay September 10, 2023

Bill Ball

When a Portuguese person masturbates.

Yo, dude, Gabriel just got done Bill Ballin'!

That hot, bro.

by Joel 'The Pornstar' Berdly October 9, 2024

Bill Vibez

"Bill Vibez" is the ideal person you would want to meet. Bill is an amazing person but as a whole a public figure. An upcoming music artist and will change history! This man is the most loyal man you'll ever meet. Be like Bill!

"Bill Vibez" dropped a new single.

by BillVibezVEVO February 10, 2020

bill cartier

mid person who makes good beats

you know that bill cartier? he’s mid

by user123:) April 17, 2022

Bill Shitting

When somebody lies outright about settling a debt or bill that they have not even attempting to do so.

Dude, are you Bill Shitting me. Pay the fucking invoice!

by Gandgty January 12, 2022

No bill april

In this religious month your boss should basically just not give you your monthöy payment bill.

Steve: hey can i get my bill? it is my pay day.
Boss: haha no fuck you its no bill april

by Dankmeat6ix9ine April 11, 2019

Bill gates money

(N)- refers to a large amount of income earned by ligit means as opposed to illegitimate activities.

"Give me that "bill gates money, a little straight money" mainstream money

by Taggedme April 8, 2023