A phrase only used by the mothers of teenagers. This phrase is often found in the voice mail box of children who haven't checked in with their parners in several hours.
mother: Jason? It's Mom. I called Michaels mother and she said you left two left hour ago? Call back asap!
A boyfriend or girlfriend with exceptional active listening skills , oozing empathy and encouraging people to speak up their minds.
A former call center agent.
Anyone who has survived a call center job.
Will fill in the "ideal partner" role quite comfortably.
- how come you are so talkative and know all the right words to say?
-do you like it?
-call center-baby! It's inhumane. Makes you see the black holes in people. So i get you...
This is the 'Phrase That Pays' for the guys out there who just want to get their dick sucked. It is most commonly used in the situation two guys have the opportunity to have a threesome with a female and they have agreed to proceed with buying her a one-way ticket to 'Paris.' One of the guys, however, is not as enthusiastic as the other. This could be because he is feeling sick, tired, lazy, or otherwise but naturally does not pass up the chance to get his nut and agrees to be part of the three-way action regardless. At this point in time, just getting his dick sucked would make his day and conveniently require the least amount of effort from him. Right before they begin removing their clothes and getting into the "tower position," He
cleverly calls out loudly to the second guy, "Hey Bro!", "I CALL THE MOUTH!"
Guy one: "Yo, bro! this chick I've been talking to is down to have a threesome and told me to bring a friend! You down??"
Guy two: "You're goddamn right Jim Sharp, I'm down FO SHO! " "It was hell at work today and I'm tired as fuck bro, especially since we did not get a break"..."so"... "I CALL THE MOUTH!"
Guy one: "That's alright, pussy is pussy to me."
Guy two: " and I just want my dick sucked"
*** guy two begins to crack a smile***
*** guy one fist bumps guy two***
Those girls who attempt to be preppy and fall into style by wearing North face (or other brand) fleece jackets, carry knock-off designer purses that are ridiculously huge, wear Ugg boots with the "fur" showing, wear moccasins, wear their high school's t-shirts, sweatshirts, and sweatpants, have thick neon colored headbands in their hair, wear an atrocious up-do in their hair and it's held together with 10+ bobby pins, own something embroidered, and have fake bake tans. These girls also strive to look dressy when going to nice places, but are not recognizable outside of dressy affairs because of the usual sloppy appearance. These girls often criticize others for looking messy or gross even when they are not dressed nice. Also, these girls tend not to be the most hygienic. This is more common with girls in private, uniform wearing high schools. A subcategory of preppy.
so-called style girl: omg. are those the same pants that you wore yesterday?
normal girl: wow, you're wearing uggs with a miniskirt and you're dissing me?
so-called style girl1: omg i don't have a green headband to match this outfit
so-called style girl2: girl, what's wrong with you? I'd lend you mine but it has my intials on it
A rock called hector is a tiktoker who reposts videos saying the phrase 'A rock called hector'. This rock is a character from the game Omori. Hector is a rock to that belongs to the character Kel in headspace.
I keep a rock called hector in my comments!
The act of stuffing a phone (on vibrate) in to a male's anus. The other partner then calls said phone while giving head to the male. If truly commited, the female will most likely lick the remaining fecal matter off of the phone upon completion.
"Dude, Taylor gave me a Cambodian Phone Call last night and now my phone smells like shit!"
"Wait, she didn't lick it off afterwards?"
"No, she said it was too gross or something"
"Dude, she might not be as in to you as you think..."
that was not answered in FaceTime with no message.
Oh! I have a missed FaceTime call! I have to call them back!