A cool ass chill ass gay guy friend that every girl envies to be. He is aesthetically pleasing and funny af, his Instagram feed is phenomenal. He can even steal your man in two snaps.
Girl 1: Omg have your seen Daniel Ochoa’s outfits he slays!
Girl 2: Oh yeah he does!
A man under the famous Miami quarterback Dan Marino but in this case is a true stoner who loves kronic more than anyone alive. He is a great friend and could be a stand up comedian if he wanted to. He has troubles with Swamp Donkeys from time to time but gives everyone a good laugh after.
Lets go get higher than Daniel Marino man!
Beta 1: Yo have you heard about that sexy man named Daniel Sass?
Beta 2: Yea he has a massive peen
Daniel Defense fanboys who simp for the company regardless of their bootlicking roots
Everyone: I don’t understand why these Defensive Daniel’s cuck so hard for a mid tier rifle like they’re some tier 1 operators
Defensive Daniels: OMG but muh MK18 is gonna help me look so good across my Hawaiian shirt in the boogaloo
a very cool man that has lots of sex with Monika body pillow
Look at the Daniel Mowery over there, he fr fr
A 6 foot guy with a massive cock
I got ruined by Daniel Bennett last night
Daniel Chen is just the generic chinese name. You should know at least 5 people named Daniel Chen else you live under a big rock.
player1: Where is Daniel Chen? Did u see him?
player2: Which one