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A man with a massive cock and come pull any girl that he wants including he has awesome powers like superspeed, wolverine claws and superstrength and will also be a porn star when he's older and have sex with any Girl that he wants also don't trust Jordan because he will fuck your mum as hard as he can and then she will be obsessed and always invite him in and favour him over you

My mum wants a jordan all the time

by Nazs70dz March 26, 2017


She is such a fuckin ho, you’ll love it. Her boyfriend is a ho

Jordan has a tiny pinny

by 12345717481 November 28, 2018


Most Jordans can be smelly and sometimes stinky. If you look really close in her hair you can see lil specks of feces and wittle critters. But most of the time it's on her finger... Its green... Like Ms. Michauds jacket. A deep dark disgusting ugly swamp looking green. It seems as if she really loves this green shade because she just 2 days ago got her nails done the SAME shade. True story, one time, in Spanish class since we both have the same teacher, I saw her get up from her chair, pick her butthole and SNIFFED it. Not joking. SNIFFED. S-N-I-F-F-E-D. You might be wondering why I am writing such a hateful paragraph.. So ill tell you.. Right after the event above.. She.. Wiped the finger.. on my favorite white shirt.. Now there is a trail of feces on it. DO NOT COME NEAR ANYONE NAMED. MY WARNING FROM ME TO YOU

Jordan. The green beast.

by December 4, 2024


A total chair. Kills your pets in minecraft. Is a meanie in general.

"Jordan!!! Why would you kill Mr. Moo Moo?!"

by Angelgames731 May 8, 2020


A big bitch, with a small penis. Who needs to play clash of clans more often. Quit the stupid for honour bull shit and start playing a real game. Also is a big cunt

I pulled a jordan

by Beast lord steam bath March 28, 2019


That Nigga just a bitch, he’s ugly af and looks all quemado and shit. Fucking burnt ass tortilla. I just know his room smells like ass

Ew it’s that ugly ass Nigga Jordan and his dad who sucks in seeds.

by Yesniggaitstrue September 20, 2022


A gay looking guy who is actually not gay.

That guy looks like a Jordan.

by Fb dbdjd JC November 12, 2019