An entitled middle aged woman, typically blonde, gets on the Owners Corporation (formally Body Corporate) Committee and hands out breach notices to all residents because she has no life!
Karen contacts the OC Manager to breach residents for having visitors walk through the front entrance of the building.
blonde with dark roots, low rise boot cut jeans, and currently speaking to your manager.
Likely a math teacher. Karens (not the "MANAGER!!" ones) are funny to watch be all crazy, they're really funny as long as you don't let them down. They can be quite scary at times if you make them angry but over all great people!
"I got Mrs. Karen for math"
"Oh boy I had her last year, she's crazy"
A beautiful girl that loves backaz, she’s deeply in love with Trevor. She’s also known as Trevor’s crush. She has a scary obsession of feet and fabric softener. And she also stalks Helen and lamisha.
A middle Aged White Woman who is a bossy brat and is a psychopath and dramatic to every one for no reason.
The Karen got angry at the cashier and said she needed to speak to his manager.
a woman who would like to speak to the manager
Karen: Let me speak to the manager!
Employee: I am the manager
Karen: Give me a refund of these candles! I requested vanilla and got vanilla bean instead!
Manager: Be gone K A R E N
Karen is a person that never forgets to remind you about something.
I changed Karen's name on my phone to Reminder