When pedofilic crossguards kick school childrens butts, they get booty particles stuck on their shoes. When the police/Chris Hansen track down pedos, they check the shoes for a bum sole. Because of this, you can see pedos lick their feet because it is a habit for them to lick the bum sole off of shoes.
Crossguard 1: How much more bum sole is on my shoes?
Crossguard 2: Depends on how many children you molested.
Chris Hansen: Why don’t you take a seat right over there?
A place where everyone hanging out have no jobs and they typically are getting stoned laughing about having no jobs
Dog this place is bum alley!
When the sweat from your anus and the sweat from your genitale mix together in your gunch.
Man this heat is really giving me some bum swish.
A word some parents teach their kids to refer to male genitalia so that they don't go around using the real word
"Mommy, why do boys have peepee bums and girls don't?"
The act of drinking until drunkenness on a completely empty stomach.
No food, but a bottle of wine = bum drunk.
To throw, often aggressively, but with poor accuracy.
Related to bum-rush.
"Allen bum-chucked a beer bottle at Josh from across the room.
Bum bumper is a word for a badass who is really loud and sometimes annoying but will stick up for you.