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A synonyme for the ancient english word nigger. Often used by pussys who dont have the balls to say nigger.

Jimmy: Mom, why do niggers always eat fried chicken?
Mom: Because thats all they can afford. Now i thought i told you not to use the N-word. Call them darkies instead.

by Con2z August 15, 2005

198๐Ÿ‘ 258๐Ÿ‘Ž

bird is the word

probably the greatest card game of all time in which you run around in a circle screaming "bird is the word" over and over again while everyone else makes bird calls towards you. this game also involves bird offs which can get quite intense if necessary. PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK.

A: you got the bird!!
A: ka kaw ka kawww

by some_freshman_somewhere June 6, 2010

83๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž


An outdated medical term that has been used to discriminate against and oppress disabled people. The R-word is firmly recognized as an ableist slur, and it is respectful (and basic human decency) to refrain from using this word as it can really damage those who fall under the spectrum. If you want to scream and cry about how SociEty๐Ÿคก is too "soft" nowadays, go ahead. You're simply projecting the fact that you're a complete, ignorant asshole.

Uneducated middle schooler: Bro wtf, society is so fucking soft nowadays!! like I can't even get away with saying the "R-word" anymore!!!
An individual with tons of bitches: Bruh...be fr...

by MomDestroyer2000 August 29, 2022

50๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

the "N" word

a word that kracker @$$ MOFO's are unable to say

50 cent, Soulja Boy, and Lil' Jon can be called the "N" Word by other people of their race.

by superman2170 August 28, 2007

38๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

another word

fuck... it said add "ANOTHER WORD" so. i did.

Is it Slap a Jap day yet?

by hata! May 2, 2003

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word whore

someone who likes to talk dirty and gets pleasure from it

emra: i want you right here so bad
alec: yh all night babes you make me hard, how about i get off this pc nd come round to yrs
emra: no thanks babe im a word whore its the words i love oh yesss

by Tim_Summers April 20, 2007

19๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

word patent

When person 1 uses a word so often that they get offended when person 2 uses it.

person 1: what a sweet movie
person 2: i know, it was the killz
person 1: dude, i have a word patent on 'the killz'
person 2: *stares in frustration at person 1's stupidity*

by bbqturtle November 17, 2007

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