A television programme which applies the conventions of home decorating programmes to cars. A damaged late model ( though sometimes older) car is rebuilt and fitted with everything from spoliers and bodykits to almost camp touches that are supposed to reflect the owner's personality. These can, more often than not, be seen as tacky, vulgar, tasteless and even unsafe. These touches include panelling over rear windscreens, pick up beds filled with monitors or in car chandeliers, for example.
Criticisms of the show are that it's more style than substance in both its presentation, content and the finished vehicle being campily over the top, having its practicality diminished by reduced luggage space in the trunk. Also, very little (if any) practical instruction is given on how to do something like lower your car's suspension safely or make your own grille insert. Instead it focuses on fancy post-production techniques, shots of the finished car at outrageous camera angles and the owner's reaction to it.
The show has also been criticised for glorifying sexism by implicitly glamourising the sexual exploitation of women and gay men by the use of the word "pimp", making it socially acceptable by changing the meaning to something else. To-wit: rebuilding a car. By extension, it is argued that it perpetuates the stereotype that connects African-Americans with criminality and violence.
"Pimp my ride" is a show that should be called "Camp my Ride" instead, considering what they do to the cars.
19👍 7👎
One bad mother fucker at pimp daddy gores whores galore emporium $5 off hoepons buy one hoe get one hoe free
My man is pimp daddy gore
Someone who is absolutely shmexy. He would tap that 24/7. Gets all of the hoes. He could be with anyone he tried to. K-A-T-E.
Girl 1- Have you heard of Pimp Daddy Austin?
Girl 2- Yeah, I heard he could tap anyone he tried to
The pimpest of daddy’s with the intentions to fuck you bitch.
Be careful of that pimp daddy wood he’ll steal your bitch
Jedi Pimp-Ninja
1.) A player so far at the top of the game as to be considered nearly unstoppable, a master of the Jedi Mind trick and shameless slayer of all wet pussy.
2.) A person whoms actions are so righteous as to make the deed itself unreproachable. If it was done by a trueJedi Pimp-Ninja then it was fckn done right.
3.) The ultimate achievement for all Jedi Pimps Jedi Pimps and/or Ninja
4.)A trucker from Ohio
That mfckn Jedi Pimp-Ninja just fckd my ex-wife, her sister and my fiance all at that fckn " tupperware" party.
Piggy back pimp
Piggy back pimp - A person that shares another persons social media post. But dosen't hit the like button on it.
A big ol dominant man, who dominates a house filled hot and sweaty hoes. #musty
The hot house pimp controls his league of sweaty magical hoes.