The worst music ever. I rather listen to country than rap and I hate Country music. The King of Good Taste aka Corey Margera hates rap and hip hop
Real as Possible -
the point about rapping is writing and singing about real shit your going through,
stuff you want to protest against, or declaring some unknown truth you want to share with the world
or unloading a pain with a message, like a story telling with rhymes
i say rap is to be real as possible
if you think your fooling someone with urban definitions
don't come preaching at my door
kid you know nothing about this game
i own the world, i am probably the alpha man
i know what is right and what is wrong
i aim to be real as possible you better not bite your tongue
Definition of rap (Entry 1 of 6)
1 : a sharp blow or knock
2a : a sharp rebuke or criticism
b : a negative and often undeserved reputation or charge —often used with bum or bad
given a bum rap by the press
3a : the responsibility for or adverse consequences of an action
refused to take the rap
b : a criminal charge
c : a prison sentence
rap verb (1)
rapped; rapping
Definition of rap (Entry 2 of 6)
transitive verb
1 : to strike with a sharp blow
2 : to utter suddenly and forcibly
3 : to cause to be or come by raps
rap the meeting to order
4 : to criticize sharply
intransitive verb
1 : to strike a quick sharp blow
2 : to make a short sharp sound
rap is abbreviation for: Racist and Proud.
vicky is rap. (racist and proud)
Baddest bitch you'll ever meet. If you got this nickname you the coolest person ever. You'll be buying your own carts and drink the pink whitney like it's your bitch. And remember when it is your best friends birthdays, you go all out. And you like to spend your money on your friends even though you're told not to. Lastly, one of the best fucking people you'll ever meet.
Person 1: Hey guys its my birthday.
Rap: YOOOO. FUCK IT UP ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY BITCH. *stands on table* *takes shirt off and does shot*
Person 1: Damn, love you bitch.
RAP stands for Rythmic African poetry
not too many people know this.
RAP music comes from Rythmic African Poetry hence the acronym R.A.P.