Somebody with a massive penis. Is amazing at everything in life.
Wow! Look at that Ben Middleton with the 9 inch cock, juggling chainsaws while singing the national anthem.
Receiving Fellatio while keeping your dick soft enough to prevent the fore skin from exposing the head of the penis for prolonged pleasure.
Bro that girl totally gave me a Ben velvet last night in the bathroom!
A boy who some may call special for obvious reasons. You can hear his stupid fucking noises from fatfield. So annoying you want to shove ur first down his throat but he’d provablys enjoy that too much
You’re being such a Ben Lewins today
the exact opposite of the on above. Normally fucks a sheep, he likes the wool.
ben 12
Bens so called 'mouse' is his tiny dick
Bens mouse looks like a doorbell
A ‘Ben Major’ is a college major that requires little to no work during the college semester and that will land you a job that pays less than $30k per year. Examples of a ‘Ben Major’ include: Sports Administration, Exercise Science, and Gender Studies. The list may go on and on.
“Dude how do you not have any work on a Wednesday, you’re totally in a Ben Major.”
Ben tabel is a guy that is really pog and has a fucking poggers personality and is overall fucking bonkers
BEN TABEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!11