Nominee of game of the year (GOTY) 2022 and rightful winner of the rigged game award which was given to (bruh), (*boom sound effect) Hideo Kojima's (the rock stare) (*boom sound effect), Elden ring ....and not to the reformed Orthodox Rabbi Bill Clinton!
Hey! My TURN! you know, real quick i want to thank everybody and say that i think i want to nominate this award to my reformed Orthodox Rabbi Bill Clinton thank you everybody.
Getting head while at work or school
Hey man, I heard Shyam pulled a Bill Clinton at 6th period lunch
Once upon a time not long ago I was a hoe
And Hillary knew this shit
It don’t matter tho,
she still took the dick
And Monica too
But I never had sexual relations with that woman
A Bill Clinton is when you squeeze your dogs anal gland and he cums on your bitches blouse. An ode to the stain on the Blue dress. They said it was Bill but really it was the family dog. Bill was squeezing on the glands.
Hey I gave a Bill Clinton to this bitch the other day and they tried to say it was my jizz!
Somebody who is a ass clown
When you when do something not smart/ stupid
Damn I screwed up I pulled a bill Henwood
I did something stupid I pulled a Henwood