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Ignoring calls and texts from friends for days or months at a time when clearly having phone activity such as posting on social media

Posting multiple pictures on Instagram and ignoring texts from friends , Tylering - ignoring friends messages while clearly playing on your phone

by Definitely not tylering June 20, 2021


the act of sending too many memes to a group chat. most memes are cringey and are sent multiple times to the point where the others on the group chat are annoyed

george: *sends a bad meme that he has already sent before*
kara: ugh stop tylering

by oh shit ok October 18, 2019


Tylering is the act of being a Tyler, the problem with this, is that some people don't like Tyler, and thus, will be repulsed by the Tyler

Aw, look at that dickhead Tylering over there.

by solidsnakesdmnf April 29, 2019


Tylering is a version of wessing it where instead of taking the knee you turn your back..

Coach- Wessing it isnt an option tonight

Fighter- 100% understand

Coach- ….

Fighter proceeds stance begin Tylering it and spins 180

by PhilTheeJu March 15, 2022

Tyler K

Tyler is one of those people you see in public and never forget about. He’s got these beautiful blue eyes and a heart of gold. He’ll be there for you every step of the way. His presence is truly so comforting. He also has this amazing sense of humor which never fails to make you smile… like a beacon of light in everyone’s lives. To this day I’m so glad to have met him, he’s got a very special place in my heart.

I love you Tyler

(Sorry not sorry)

Random bitch: Which one is Tyler?

Other bitch: The one that’s always by that weird ass girl

Tyler K is someone you want to hold onto dearly

by Julia Listerud August 10, 2021

Tyler Deveney

Tyler is a BBB. Beautiful bony boy :) I am in love with Tyler he is so handsomeeee oooooooooooooooo kissy kissy oo la la la!! he has beaufitful green i's and hair up to ROTC's prestigious standards :)

i love a man in uniformz!! tyler deevhgney has awesome hummor i liek hwne h etalks bou t his butthole :)
its his favorite topic and its also mine, we have so much in c ommon :)

he has an awesome shirt but he doesn't need an awesome shirt to tell others how awesome he is because he is so awesome that his awsomeness is too busy being awesome to notice your non-awesomeness :)

"Hey did you see Tyler Deveney today?"

"Yeah! He was wearing his awesome shirt, so sexy so sexy soooooooooooooooo sexy :)"

"Ooo la laaaa <3"

by Anzovak'sCuteGrill October 18, 2019

Tyler Syndrome

Asking for reccommendations that are near your level and completely disgarding them and going for the compelete opposite.

"Hey zack, what's a good d23?"

"I don't know, Passacaglia?"
"OK, time for an s24"
"Bruh, this retard has tyler syndrome"

by Not NZTornado February 4, 2020