jon: there is one imposter among us
jon's friend dan begins beating jon to death
jon: so you where the imposter
A drippy game where every deranged unstable person goes just to say "can i dr0p fire"
Adjective: Among Us is more like Torture us plss
Verb: I am gonna among usIFY you
Adverb: a game made by a hippie
noun: a trash game.
Among us is a game about space men called “Crewmates” finishing important tasks, without getting killed by an monstrous alien disguised as the crewmates, called an “Imposter”, they must not be caught by the crewmates or they will get thrown off the ship, straight into space.
Aw the power is out.. Wait Kyle downloaded “Among Us In Real Life” on his phone, fetch your earbuds and headphones everybody!
Where Everyone Say That Red Is Sus.
Among us chat
Orange-Red sus
Pink -ye
Ghost_brown-its orangeeee!!!!if only they could see the messages
White-its not its orange he kill my friend
White has voted
Orange has vote
Orange-it ain't me its red he keep following me
Black has voted
Yellow has voted
Pink has voted
Red has voted
Cyan has voted
Blue has voted
Red was NOT the imposter
A game where you have to discover that Morvil is the imposter.
I played among us and Morvil was the imposter.