A name for a Canada label which lost horribly in a rap battle against an American MC called Kendrick lamar
V&E stands for vegging and edging. It is the act of vegging at the same time as edging, where you may be laying down doing nothing for an extended period and get the urge to beat your shit. V&E is not just vegging and is not just edging, it is the intentional act of doing both in one sitting, where one may lead into the other.
"Damn boys that was a long day I could really use some V&E right now"
Obviously a tattle tale, flops like a fish, small balls
Gets wacked in the head and holds his balls, that's the kid named V
CTRL-C + CTRL-V for MacOS users. ⌘ is the 'command' button on Mac laptops (e.g. MacBook Air)
I used ⌘C + ⌘V for pasting a 12-page long essay about nature.
The V-shape where the obliques meet the transversus abdominis muscles. The shape forms a V all the way to the Pee as in peeeeeNIS
Baby your v to the p is so sexy, lemme kiss it
If you're a U shaped guy, you're fucked, because you're not a V shaped guy.
A sacred Viking ritual in which two partners, male to female. The male jumps from a ledge positioned above the female-who must have her legs spread in order for this to work-he then jumps from said ledge with his erection tip first, as he reaches the female specimen, he screams a violent Viking code. When he enters the vagina it is as if he had parted the vagina (presuming the role of the seas) creating a hyper wave of wet spew from the vag in opposite directions
Say rico, you aren’t a true Viking until you’ve done the Parting of the seas v.2