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The past tense of busting a nut

Damn bro I just busted

by rezzedoutkid May 2, 2023


Busted meaning hell no or suck, disgusting

Yo Tyler your fit is busted.

by ARCTEN December 2, 2023


Getting arrested for a felony.

Jim forgot he was carrying a quarter-ounce with him and got busted by the TSA

by General the dog April 30, 2016


isabella's phone

person 1: bro did you see isabella's phone?
person 2: yeah that shit's busted😭😭

by bruhasf November 17, 2020


1. broken not working
2. caught
3. what candace is failing to do

1. My phone is busted
2. Ha you got busted
3. At least i try to bust them!

by platypussy_licker May 3, 2019


being what MReese runs

This GBL line is busted

by mouseilluminati January 2, 2021


"A drag queen who looks "busted" or a "hot mess." The term refers to a queen who cannot properly apply or wear makeup, style their hair, sew properly, or who wears unfashionable or ill-fitting clothing." Cited, (www.rupaulsdragrace.wikia.com).

Hey, don't hate on Brenda. Sure, she's busted, but she can dance!

by Okama58 November 11, 2018