Source Code

Textpiration Date

A set period of time after which a person's past social media posts or texts can no longer be used against them, provided it can be reasonably shown that they no longer carry those problematic beliefs or attitudes.

Like a statute of limitations on getting "cancelled."

Karen: Can you believe Rob said something so offensive? I should show this to his boss.
Stacy: You can't.
Karen: Why not?
Stacy: That comment is 10 years old. It's past the textpiration date.

by C Monty March 22, 2022

-1👍 2👎

an arabian date

an offensive term for a one night stand

if you are going to have your carnaldetism during an arabian date, make it a memorable one

by Sexydimma April 3, 2015

No date December

You have to not date anybody in December no matter if you are dating someone or not you can ask anyone out you can’t be dating anyone in December

All month it’s no date December

by I’m going to eat you September 9, 2021

Date lamed

When you attend a party with a date and they dissapear mid-way thorough the night.

"Where's my husband? Have I been date lamed?"

by Goodlyon November 27, 2015

sneak dating

When you are dating a male/female without any parent or guardian having the curiosity

She is totally sneak dating

by macy12378 March 12, 2016

doggy date

waterboarding to the umpteenth degree

i got doggy date by a cow

by loligotadog March 22, 2022

Dating Miracle

Dating a Miracle is the best thing you can do. They have guys/girls all over them but will always choose you in a crowd. They're attractive, loyal, caring, and always do their best to keep everyone happy. They love to be around you but can seem shy at first and may avoid eye contact but sometimes they just have to get comfortable around you.

"Even around all those other guys, Miracle still chose her bf"
"Miracle is soo pretty I can hardly resist her"
"I'm so happy now that I've started dating Miracle"
"Miracle always checks on his girl and shows her so much love"
"Miracle's always getting jealous when he sees other guys look at his gf."

by Anonymous >:) April 17, 2022