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Doing a burkey

To deliberately try to stop or get in the way of something or someone

He’s doing a burkey because he can’t go to the match

by Joeghd February 22, 2019

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Doing a "Jim"!

When you are feeling the lack of four days sleep, does bulbs and proceeds to stand up off of a half flat air mattress to do something and falls over and knocks over everything off of the table in front of him then settling down and repeating it again a few hours later......

Doing a "Jim"!

by smurfism June 9, 2013

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Dos Chestas

When you find two treasure chests in the same location while playing Fortnite

Bruh, I found dos chestas inside the house!

by Charlestas April 7, 2018

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Doing A Seamus

Doing a seamus means being as sarcastic as you possibly can!

Wow, you're doing a seamus right now

by Kasper Doors February 5, 2015

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Doing a Max

Getting downed 41 times in a zombies game. Max is obviously good at zombies just he lacks the ability to look behind him.

Max: i got downed again!
Everyone Else: What the hell are you doing!

Max: I'm downed
James: Again!

Me: You Doing A Max?

by Roberto:) March 26, 2011

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Doing a Dunn

Named after a failed piece of skill performed by then Birmingham City midfielder David Dunn against local rivals Aston Villa; 'doing a Dunn' means to attempt to perform a piece of skill that is beyond your ability.

Look at him over there talking to that girl way out of his league. He's 'doing a Dunn'.

by mtalbot2987 January 4, 2012

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to do a close

Doing a close is the action of going out at night to a party and one does not succeed in the girls category. As a result, the close will drink away his regrets and mope about asking himself about all the various possibilities as to why he had not succeeded. After much self-deliberation, he will conclude that it's his looks or his intellectual ability. After beating himself up, he will shit himself and go to hospital, waking up stark naked wishing that one day he will be able to overtake his friends and younger brother in succeedinng with the opposite sex.

Maisy: I just parred Jack!
Pippa: Me too, I'm scared he is going to do a close.
Maisy: He's already depressed.
Pippa: just wait until the poo comes.

by RobYourNob June 20, 2011

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