A person or thing that doesn’t know what to do in any situation
Person 1: You are a hood
Person 2: Don’t say that, that’s offensive!
Has alot of hoods areas, even if you move into the suburbs its still the same, just ghetto all the way, dope dealers, and trap houses with gang bangers.
The definition of a hood is slang for a neighborhood. An example of a hood is what you'd call the area in which you live in the inner city.
Hood means Trillion Dollars (1 With 12 Zeroes)
Jamal: Yo dem niggas ova there got hella hoodz dey rly rollin dat shi up countin dey shi in dat nice ass buggy gah dam, mfs got bouj ah green
Mark: What's A Hood?
Jamal: (Answering To Mark) Sum U Neva Gon Get
Used to refer to cape word on one's head usually the word don is usually accompanied
Many people have meant to type good, but have typed hood instead. It’s a common typo. That’s why it’s now assumed that hood means hood when used in the right context.
Wow those chicken nuggets are hood!
I’m watching this really hood show.
A "Hood" (or "Bonnet" as they call it in the land of bad teeth) is something entirely unnecessary to cover your engine.
Often considered useful for aerodynamics, it actually just causes a lot of lift under the front of a car, and if you're not a pussy you make enough power to overcome the drag anyway.
Dude 1: Dude your hood flew off like 2 hours ago!
Dude 2: So? I'm still Gapping fools.
Officer: I'm going to have to give you a ticket for that.
Dude: Yeah because if I don't have a hood someone is TOTALLY gonna die.