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This word has two meanings. ‘laugh out loud’ and ‘lots of love

person 1: hey I can’t make it I just found out my aunt died.
person2: I am so sorry to hear that LOL

by Timmothesleftboiob February 15, 2021


this stands for 'laugh out loud' but is more regularly used when you don't know what to say.

person A: look at this picture of the floor
person B: lol

by -Anna- March 3, 2021


Laugh Out Loud

Wow that's so funny LOL

by dqdd June 22, 2022


Meaning "Laugh Out Loud," this is generally used in text messages and social media comments. It was originally only used by frequent Internet users (somewhere in the early 2000's), but now has become infected by the soccer moms and grandmothers on the Internet. This is also referred to as "normitis," or normificus-infectivitis, in which a person, place, or thing is consumed by outsiders, normies, parents, teachers, etc. Some of the normies, mothers, etc., are confused on it's actual meaning. (See ex.b)

ex. a
"LOL thats a funny meme friend! Would you enjoy another hilarious meme I found on Facebook?"


ex. b
(in a text message)
"My brother just passed away. We are having his funeral Sunday."

"That's so sad! LOL!"


"I said that's so sad! LOL!"

"Why are you laughing?"

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are! You're saying LOL!"

"LOL means Lots Of Love!"

"...no it doesn't."

by The Danker Informant February 18, 2018


meaning laugh out loud

lol look at the top of his head

by Louie mack goie 😋 😋 December 20, 2019


Lots of love is what it means, sometimes with a crying emoji if it is sad.

My grandpa just died, LOL.

by RipBorfax February 1, 2020


laugh out loud


that mans laugh out loud

by pile of formosa March 23, 2019