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you make me melt

When someone is in to you or your in to them

One of u would say "you make me melt"as in to say you like them and every time you think about them or every time they do something it makes your heart warm up

You make me melt when u give me hugs

Awe really *hugs*

by ...lit October 17, 2017

76πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Making the Mother of all omelettes

Something you say whenever you’re making the mother of all omelettes.

Making the Mother of all omelettes here Jack! Can’t fret over every egg!

by FuckinJoe March 27, 2022

30πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

making the wild ox moan

Having energetic and very noisy sex.

She: Wow, the people in the room next to us are really going at it! You can probably hear them in the lobby.

He: Yep, they're sure making the wild ox moan!

by ring-tailed roarer March 20, 2010

45πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Make fun of Langxion Day

April 19th is the day where you can fucking bully discord user Langxion from the squiddo discord.

I'm hyped for make fun of Langxion day he's such a bitch.

by deadassbitchassdeadass April 20, 2021

26πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

You make my earthquake

When you get that feeling of butterflies and the world stops just think about the that special someone

Damn babe you make my earthquake

by Bigdaddylk February 8, 2020

Making an ass out of yourself

Used in a sentence typically constructed as "You're making an ass out of yourself". It means that the target is making himself seem foolish or that he is embarrassing himself.

"Josh is always making an ass out of himself when he's had too much to drink"
"Hey Josh! Stop making an ass out of yourself!"

by Alstorp July 3, 2014

52πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

make you my bitch

To dominate an opponent in competition. To utterly embarass another by your sheer dominance... therefore making them your bitch.

Example: I play you this week in the fantasy football playoffs... I'm gonna make you my bitch!

by scOK December 18, 2013

92πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž