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National maZaza day

A day usually when school students wear shades at school, the battle of culture between trapper$ and haibo yebos!

Let's have national maZaza day tomorrow

by B00TYB0I September 10, 2021

National bj day

November 19 is the national blowjob day. Though not required, females and males alike are welcomed to preform this sexual act on their partner

“Did you give your bf a bj for national bj day?”

by Drakelover699 November 19, 2020

National bj day

Suck ur niggas cock

Today is national bj day come here and drop ur pants nigga.

by Zemify12 October 29, 2019

national freya day

national freya day is where we appreciate all the cool freya’s we know

November 15th

person 1: bro it’s november 15 and you haven’t complimented freya
person 2: oh yeah, it’s national freya day
person 2: i’m so excited to praise freya today

by lolaaaaaaaaaaa June 6, 2022

National Booty Day

April 21st is officially National Booty Day. All girls(or guys) must send a booty pic to their entire best friends list.

Wow! Today is National Booty Day! I cannot wait to see Jessica’s fat ass!

by bigdixknick21 April 18, 2020

National booty day

National booty day October 2nd

Guy:Girl it’s October 2nd you know what day it isss national booty day

by Carlton Hayes October 2, 2019

National be a dick day

Every Monday-Wednesday is be a dick day

Me: you suck

Someone: why'd you say that???

Me: it's national be a dick day

by TxK4ever April 12, 2019