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Chichester Middle School

deep in the amazon jungle there is a school full of ratchet bitches, fags, degenerates, sped kids and cool kids

Alaquanisha: i attend the chichester middle school
Jaquayviontavious: LEAVE

by 6packvideos June 12, 2023

Private School Bubble

When a group of students at a private school do believe that they are 'the shit' and seem to believe the world owes them. This minority is generally confused to be what every student at a private school is like but that is not true.

#1: Those guys over there are definitely in a Private School Bubble.
#2: Yeah definitely, he refused to get the public bus because he was scared of being stabbed.

by Surging_Sanders April 14, 2016

Cumberland elementary school

Cumberland Elementary school is a school in desplains. Most of the teachers are nice. The students think they are all that. School for dumb kids

“What school do you go to?”

Cumberland Elementary School
Ha loser!”

by Rudhfbf January 4, 2023

Choctaw county high school

Where you can find the rats, the bullshit, and the fights at 7AM. Full of whores and STD’s. if there’s not a fight every morning, it’s not cchs. Roaches, snitches, and bitches ONLY

Welcome to Choctaw county high school, home of the fuckshit

by A real spitta August 24, 2021

School News

The creator of the best music.

Did you listen to thank u, deb?

Is that a School News song?
Yes, it is!

by schoolnews1 October 12, 2021

King George High School

In the middle of the shitty county of King George, lays the waste of a building, refed to as KGHS. Where the kids are higher than the celling, the teachers "like" kids more than their spouses . Lastly the bathrooms are flooded with smoke during lunch

Bro: Dude do you go to King George High School?
Dude: yeah bro
Bro: Dude, that sucks

by BigAndThiccBoi69 October 27, 2021

lincoln school costa rica

K -12 private prep school for Costa Rica's elite. The school that the children of important diplomats and businessmen attend. Kids go to a variety of US schools post-graduation (from Brown, UPenn, Gtown to Penn State, Pepperdine, LSU...)

Kids who go here are a combination of smart, obnoxious, and sometimes preppy. Parties organized by these spoiled kids are sick; the drinking spirit is strong. Expect instragram posts of yachts, vacation trips to ski resorts, thailand, and lots of expensive swimwear.

You go to lincoln school costa rica?


Fucking "pipi" (costa rican slang for "spoiled brat")

by CR Insider January 31, 2016