Describing a situation in which although you have a great opportunity to do something awful, it does not mean you should do it.
Person 1: "Yeah so hes just standing near the edge, why wouldn't we push him?"
Person 2: "You wouldn't bake a cat if it jumped in the oven!"
When Sir dungus in 4200 C.E attacked the great Sir Battatus and obliterated him, then said "YA GOT DUNGED! SUCKA!!
Real Madrid beat Barca 7-2
When someone is upset, irritated or frustrated. A term used in New York since the 2000s.
"Yo, you gettin me tight deadass"
" That nigga got me so tight rn, son. I dead wanna smack him"
Usually followed by suck my dick
*seeing a hot girl*
Can you suck my dick?
To do something without preparing it beforehand
Learning how to become a parent takes time. It's a skill you learn as you go along .
It wasn't you Jordan. You didn't get me to do anything I wasn't already doing. If my mother told you that it's because like always she doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about.
Hym "It wasn't you, it won't ever be you, Jordan. I am going to make you share my fate."