A school in Finland that is the worst elementary school out there. Ugly as shit, it looks like a mix of a prison and a vomiting shrimp, teachers are ass, food tastes like moldy dog shit and on a good day it tastes like a sweaty jumper, and finally the rules are the most random shit ever and the school is filled with gangsters and terrorists anyway so I wouldn't go there ever again.
Damn I'm glad that I don't have to see Lukkari school ever again.
Cardinal Gibbons High School or Cunty Girls High School is a high school that is definitely going to turn ur girl into a bitch. By the end of Cardinal Gibbons all of your pillows will be covered in fake tan and you daughters hookup count will be 34. People think they won’t walk into the trap but they will.
“So your hookup count is 45?”
“Oh you go to Cardinal Gibbons High School”
A tiny school full of retards, bullies, and vape addicts
A tiny school going broke because the administration sucks ass
A tiny school full of liberal teachers and possible pedophiles
A tiny school with students that absolutely will leak personal information
Do not go to Forsan High School, there are pedos and hard left retards.
Yo PETHS be filled with bare wasteyutes fam. 95% of the school is asian and are either wannabe toronto mans or are nerdy asl. And dont even get me started on these brownies fam. They b using the n word all da time like they from jane and finch but they miyutes ong. The crossroad kids be acting like they own da place and the caf kids musty af styll. The music hall filled with stanky ass nerds who tryna play tuff and the shordys be merked af.
Toronto Mans: Yo where can I find dem bomb ass cookies?
Other Toronto Mans: I heard they was in the pierre elliot trudeau high school caf ahlie?
Nerd: Did you guys finish the science homework?
Toronto Mans: Shut yo bum ass up crodie.
A place to make kids depressed and suicidal; a building that incorporates no child care or educational purpose.
a school filled of ugly ass girls , wanna be gangster boys who act hard and think going to jail is cool, pussies who think jumping people makes them tough, retarded teachers, bops, and of course the nicotine feins that go to the kball and smoke weed and vape everyday after school. Cant forget when two teachers were caught fucking in a classroom, and a teacher sexually assaulting a student. FUCKED UP SCHOOL
Hey, you ever heard of Penndale middle school?
Yeah a dumbass school
the definition of straight hell an fake ass bitches. even the fucking teachers be talking shit. the food there sucks, this school teaches u nothing but how to be fake an gives you nothing. THE HEALTH TEACHER IS INSANE.- gaby & saoirse..
god damn i hate ledyard middle school