Stop being a Harry Millington . What do u mean ? A cheeky bitch
A big-city urban democrat, usually a female, who compares you to a list of popular images and then judges you without any empathy, based on her findings. A mirror bitch will attempt to encapsulated your entire soul with a single word or phrase using wit that relies heavily on double-entendre and her knowledge of a pop-culture. A mirror bitche's end goal is to humiliate you in front of a large group of people at a party by showing you and them your true reflection, which she controls.
Some Mirror bitch just called me Tommy Booze-Cruise
The online hoe you had in quarantine
Joe : Yo when quarantines over I'm gonna breakup with all my quarantine bitches
Stan : Yeah me too, I'l hit them up next quarantine
Blindside Bitches Day is a day where you hit your bitch while you are out of their sight (for example, you hit them from behind). Blindside Bitches Day occurs on December 27th.
Dude 1: "Yo its Blindside Bitches Day lemme beat that bitch!"
Dude 2: "Ok"
Dude 3: "Bro you just pushed her of a cliff."
Dude 1: "Thats Blindside Bitches Day for you!"
That one friend everyone has they are usually up to no good they will follow along with any of your stupid plans!
Friend1: You are such a Dino bitch
Friend2: Thanks you so much