ts is soooo ass because of the teachers. they be talking too much and doing too much for no reason and some of the girls there are such hoes and some of the boys too. the bathrooms be so nasty in the walls cz girls kiss the wall w lipstick thinking that shi cute. hnn yall niggas nasty assfkk. nd yall need to wear deodorant after flex, before school too cz yall stink.
“yoo u go to bluffton middle school?”, “yeahh”, “damnn then u prob a stank ass hoe.”
This is very common nowadays there kids We'll come up with slangs at school
I don't know some of that school Slang
Umang: You want the definition? Go and do 5 rounds of the football Ground first
Yandu: You want the definition? Become a girl first
Bharat Sir: You want the definition? Pehle canteen se 2 burger la
Poonam Ma'am: Betuji Definition kya karogey?
John: Why all the boys of Summer Fields School score very less in Geography
Joe: Because Lord Yandu Teaches us
When a Juvenile can Start school
Has the Juvenile hit the school age
Another Cousin from the Commonwealth Secondary School is : 1. Nur Hidayu Qistina Binte old Father name (?)
Another Cousin from the Commonwealth Secondary School is : 1. Nur Hidayu Qistina Binte old Father name (?)
Founded in 1949, Located in the Small Town of Rosenberg, Texas, This school was once the best place to receive and education. It slowly became the shithole it is today. It is overran by wanna-be hood niggas and hot Cheeto bitches; autistic theatre niggas, etc. The football team is absolutely dogshit. Lamar Niggas have way too much pride. Don’t talk shit about there school.
John: “Did you hear about Lamar Consolidated High School?”
Jimmy: Man, don’t get me started on those Bebe Ass Niggas.