A school people sit on wait list to get into. The Bluff is the place to be for both educational and emotional growth.
Those Cherokee Bluff High School kids are so community oriented and and philanthropic.
A school filled with guys who think they're the shit because they play AAA hockey and girls who wear way to much highlighter and scream every two seconds
Wow, that kid with the CCM hat perched on his head loudly bragging about playing AAA must go to Herrick Middle School
Also known as SCS. Scs is known for the biggest hoes/sluts, geeks/nerds, annoying teachers, best teachers! Scs needs to step up their game. They have the football! And we all know football is the heart of schools, they need to step up how the school looks! They need to step up everything!!! Sports, programs, clubs, and so much more!!! The tuition for the school is so expensive and I’m sure everyone has thought where the money actually goes to!? The school is so serious and everyone needs to have more fun and of course still get good grades and study. There should be a middle school dance! And yeah he prom is cool woohoo! But most kids leave for high school and do you really want them to have a bad memory of their life in middle school?! But besides all of this I think the school is okay and they just need to step up their game a little that’s all no hard feelings... not going to lie though a lot of kids make great friends!! But when you don’t click your whole entire school life is shit!
Stephanie: ugh I wish smithtown Christian school could have a middle school dance before most of us leave this crappy school for high school!!
jack: it’s not that crappy but I get what you mean!
Victoria: or like everyone having school spirit and showing it for football games that we don’t have here!
40% Armenians 40%hispanics 20%random people
Beat Taft in football
Xcho Avetisyan is the hottest mf there
Bro Ulysses grant high school is the best high school
adj. In the sense that "old school" harkens back to the days of our youth when better rappers were spitting flyer rhymes, "old pre-school" refers to the influences that we or previous generations appreciated in the earlier points in our youth during or before pre-school, or kindergarten, or nursery, or whatever your cultural equivilent is.
As kids' tv shows go, The Herb Garden feat. Parsley The Lion is pretty old pre-school. He dates back to a time before homosexuals were even gay. All the best children were reared on shows like Parsley and The Magic Roundabout and Watch With Mother; None of this Mona The Vampire shit. What the hell is with that show anyway, it's just annoying retard kids inconveniencing everyone with their stupid paranoid delusions.
east isn’t bad my ass you walk into the bath room there will be damn near a hole city of feens in the bathroom also the teachers are always on your ass about fucking hoodies and hats and then u got the stupid mf in the bathroom smoking some reggie!
East lincoln high school known for having the most drop outs and suspending people for smokin in the bathroom
If you have some grace and musical talent(not all guards have this, but ours do and 80% of us play all sorts of musical instruments{most are 1st-3rd out of 5 or more chairs in Concert/Symphonic Band/Choir/Orchestra/Guitar class in their section or have ability to be in more than two instrument sections} and WE GOT RHYTHM AND EXPRESSION like no one's business... kinda required from everyone...lol) then good for your guard.
WE ARE NOT CHEERLEADERS/TWIRLERS. In order for our school's cheerleading team to "look" good while performing, they need to have certain and various amounts of body control, balance, muscle, body awareness, timing, and smiles. These are not hard once you get them down but these are NOT EASY either. NOT ALL GUARDS HAVE THIS but ours do- according to this at some level, we get along with the cheerleaders and we appreciate each other.
Twirlers... I have no exact idea who they are so i can't judge them...
All i know is that twirlers twirl.
7. guard or CG (colorguard)
High School Colorguard (Marching Band) Def. Part 4
Examples are finished in Definition parts one through 3.
1👍 4👎