Source Code


the person who wrote urban dictionary, apparently

"urban dictionary is written by you!" -what you see every time you go to this site

by nlolhere July 15, 2020



"Yo you y/n? "

by DummyDictionary September 10, 2021


You. The definition of You. You are You. You and Me are You. You are always You. You cannot be Me. Me cannot be You. You are You and You will always be You, Ok? You. I love you. Not You. I hate You. Not you. You are okay. You are okay. You are You.

You are You

by quack.em September 8, 2021


You are reading this. You are a human. You are probably beautiful, and you are a decent human being. Give yourself a round of applause, and eat some good food. What’s your favorite type of food? I like pelmeni. Bye 👋

Dude, YOU are so cool.
Thanks. :)

by I am Russian, comrade. 🇷🇺 November 9, 2021


the best thing ever <3

you are amazing

by ur mother therr November 4, 2021


You is a word to say who you're talking about

You are a good person

by Is too the March 24, 2021


You Owe Us

We no longer do IOU's, because it's all about YOU's - simply put, You Owe Us!

by Silentbirdee February 6, 2023