rich ass bitches that think they’re all that. mostly all of the girls are flat as fuck. there’s really only a few that a thicc. they say they love eachother, but they really only like the elkhorn kids. mostly all are sluts and dumb asf
“i go to st patrick’s school”- girl
“ew tf. you’re flat too” - elkhorn boy
“ugh. imma cry all night now” - girl
The birthplace of all cool singaporeans men.
i am a rich billionaire and a big time CEO and i owe all of this to schooling in St Patrick’s School
Devon is a place where if you are a white kid you are now a minority due to the Devon apartments. The place is more crowded than a wave pool at Dorney Park.
Friend:1 Got any curry
Friend:2 Nah but the people at the Devon Elementary School do
A dumbass sister school in Massachusetts that is full of asshole rich kids and douchebag teachers who don’t care if a kid is being bullied. The whole school smells like dirty ass and everyone who goes there is a little snob who have parents that put their fucking zip code on their hats at soccer games. Absolute dog shit compared to the god school Forestdale
Person 1: Hey What school did you go to?
Person 2: Oak Ridge School
Person 1: Fuck you
Is the opposite of the definition above
holy trinity middle school is actually good and the person above me wrote a salty definition
A place where half the people show up high or drunk and if they don’t they’re most likely the rich ones who do athletics and are coaches kids. basically where all good thinks go to die.
She’s a Maud High School girl you should get your hopes up, she’s either high or a bitch.
A place where broomsticks are shoved up people booties and people are really weird, but atleast the football team is good!
the students at wall high school shove broomsticks up peoples butts