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A good pisces friend who have good online relationships, however, is shy in real life.
However, don't have an opinion different from him else he will use his Tracomat on you.

Andrew, when will Infinity Marx be ready ?

by totally not a fridge 3000 pro April 10, 2020


A guy with a broken penis, coated with cheese, so much so that it leaks out and produces a horrible smell.

Andrew smells bad

by Obamascummyslutty November 28, 2023


andrew is a short, beaner, soccer player, edgar, toxico, attached, delulu, slow. he will back stab u behind your back and you wouldn’t know, he will betray u even if your blood. don’t trust this monkey. ears are always out, no home, no job, no money, mom who babies him. basically he careful around an andrew….

little sister: talks to him in march
older sister: talks to him secretly

andrew: i can pull😍😛…💀

by always keepin it real November 21, 2023


Andrew is a superb runescape player. He is a good friend, and good at making other people laugh. He has a nice blue car, NOT owned by his father. The moosiest of the meese.

Andrew is such a moose

by Potato Supreme February 21, 2022


If you meet an Andrew, he definitely has one of the biggest cocks you’ve ever seen. I’m talking horsecock big. Ladies, if you ever meet an Andrew count your days because his enormous member will leave you in a wheelchair for 3 days

That guy Andrew is more than I can handle

by Friendly neighborhood pedo November 23, 2021


a Subby bottom that you cannot get attached to becayse he WILL leave ❤️🤲🏼✨

wow he left again! what an andrew

by lolimgayihateithere June 30, 2020


Andrew is kinda weird. He sucks at math and math teachers just don’t like him. Andrews are usually pretty short. He typically has long hair. He’s also just not that smart. Andrew is also pretty popular. Not many girls fall for Andrew but there is 1 or 2 every year.

Person 1: Omg is that Andrew
Person 2: he looks like a girl from behind
Person 1: omg true

by Poopy pants📌 September 13, 2020