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Angary fortnite

angary fortnite is a good streamer who makes funny and epic fortnite streams on my ipad

angary fortnite is now streaming

by O9sparks May 11, 2020

fortnite junky

Someone who spends money on fortnite

Dave spent $30 on fortnite what a fortnite junky

by Retrad Face February 21, 2018

fortnite dipshit

A Fortnite Dipshit is a moron who tends to play Fortnite and usually lies about kills and one shots. Also is very prone to rage quitting

Jimmy: Hey is Dylan a Fortnite Dipshit?
Bob: Yes he sure is rage quits every time he gets killed and says he gets 30 kills every game

by Jwill4229 June 5, 2019

Fortnite child

a very annoying child that repeatedly screams while you are trying to play Minecraft with the boys

me: hey guys
fortnite child: Oh My GoD I FrEaKiNg DieD
me: is he having a stroke?

by A320-214 July 1, 2020

fortnite ninja

a 29 year old that plays a game filled with people 20 years younger than him
his very existence is a meme

Fortnite ninja tyler blevins just ended his stream!

by Vesperr February 15, 2021

Fortnite Moment

A Fortnite moment is when a completely logical Gamer is overcome by ignorance or selfishness causing him/her to do passive-aggressive behavior like name calling,excessively use the take the L or Laugh it up emotes or hunting someone down like an animal in team rumble or aka a Fortnite moment

If you wear a rare skin and someone who is really toxic walks by you have officially entered a Fortnite moment

by Titan_Xzer April 22, 2021

No Fortnite year

Every year we celebrate no Fortnite year and play only great no virginity giving games.

-Oh you've heard Lucas turned virgin?
-Yeah, he played fortnite on no Fortnite year

by Diccsucker6000 March 15, 2019