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fortnite clickbait

those really shit clickbait videos from shit youtubers that dont deserve there wealth, an example of this is any ali-a video ever published

fuck i accidently clicked on shit fortnite clickbait wheres the bleach i need to pour that shit in my eyes

by pupperledepressedsackofshit February 1, 2021

fortnite poggers

fortnite poggers is a word used for someone who is cracked at fortnite my guy

dude my squad survived tilt tuwers where fortnite poggers

by butter with the shell January 14, 2021

Fortnite 2021

the game about many 9 year olds how somehow is able to curse... oh yeah dont forget They smell like shit, and say doggwater when they get one kill

Kid 1: *Joins a creative
Kid 3: fortnite 2021 be like

by RIBBITE April 7, 2021

Jim Fortnite

The inventor of Fortnite

Person 1: Ayo who that guy that did invented Fortnite
Person 2: Ayy Bruv that's Jim Fortnite

by BingleBong October 4, 2021

Fortnite shark

Someone being homophobic,racist or just being dumb and annoying

Ugh tik toks being a fortnite shark

by Vintageminaj August 26, 2021

Fortnite Porter

Porter is dumb and super rude. He is cocky, and doesn't care about the rules. He loves to play Fortnite, and is a complete virgin

Fortnite Porter just got a Victory Royal

by JustTellingYouTheTruth January 9, 2019

Fortnite weeb

A fortnite weeb is someone who has an unhealthy obsession with fortnite, often has a crush on a skin

Tilly is a fortnite weeb, it's her only personality trait

by Pony Bottle April 16, 2020