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Jae Personality Disorder

A disorder discovered by Jazmin Ann Mary Jae Bae Langley Soryu De Souza which is similar to Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), a mental disorder characterized by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships.
Similar to BPD, JPD has erratic behavior such as selfharm, mood swings, highs and lows, narcissistic and gay episodes, delusions, hallucinations, drugs, and obsessions.

If experiencing symptoms of JPD please let your professional therapist or psychiatrist know. JPD is dangerous and can result in permanent brain damage 🤓☝️

omg you have Jae Personality Disorder … you’re so hot.”

by jaenalbeadfan123 January 14, 2023

Ask a person out

On February 7 ask someone that you like on a date or even to be in a relationship

Hey since it is ask a person out day... will you go out with me

by Yahoo urban February 5, 2020

personal ego booster

when a guy/girl is really insecure about themselves so they have to boost their own ego by complimenting themselves and giving them the false sense that they're better than everyone else, boosting their ego to the moon

person 1: Im so funny and smart, everyone should aspire to be me!
person 2: shut up personal ego booster no one likes you and you have no friends
person 3: damn thats tough

by rx3ynn April 29, 2023

Personal Risk Tolerance

The amount of money you believe you can spend on stocks, but absolutely shouldn't. What you will usually hear before someone on r/wallstreetbets yolos a $50k 0-day expiry, saying it literally can't go tits up, then it proceeds to go tits up.

Guy1: So I am going to YOLO $50k which is my Personal Risk Tolerance on expiration options, what do you guys think?
Guy2: That is a terrible idea, you are basically throwing away you're money
Guy3: Well, at least you have commitment and courage...
1 day later
Guy 1: Lost over 80% of my account from 50k yolo.. Well, time to yolo my PRT on FDs expiring tomorrow. If I die remember me...

by 420LoliPolice69 February 1, 2021

Robert Clack (Person)

Robert Clack is a Dagenham Mayor who fought for equality in his time in office. To see the school named after him click here: Robert Clack

Robert Clack (Person) is a Mayor of Dagenham

by RCBest April 27, 2020

boredomline personality disorder

A supposedly-unavoidable mental/emotional condition wherein the "sufferer" cannot speak civilly, remain calm, or otherwise conduct himself in a reasonable/socially-responsible manner unless he is being constantly entertained or excited. Usually there is in fact nothing whatsoever truly wrong with the cranky person's mind, and thus his "illness" merely stems from a petulant selfish mindset that probably resulted from his being pampered and spoiled rotten as a child.

Teenage delinquent: Things are gettin' a little boring around the 'hood --- let's incite a riot!
Responsible teenager: Sorry, pal... I ain't gonna jeopardize my 100% clean criminal record just to temporarily satisfy your boredomline personality disorder!

by QuacksO July 31, 2013

Personality Type Dweller

A person who is obsessed with personality types and uses them as insults or statements.

Gary: Dude you aren't funny.
Bob: Ok INFJ.
Gary: What a f*cking Personality Type Dweller.

by Guilhe November 21, 2021